• Ratified at Association Island, New York - July 1975
  • Amended at Kingston, Ontario - July 27, 1977
  • Amended at Gwynn Island, Virginia - October 13, 1981
  • Amendment as ratified at Kingston, Ontario - July, 27, 1995
  • Amendment as ratified at Rehoboth, Maryland - October 12, 1999
  • Electronic Record: Douglas G. Marsh

Official Version

The Official version of the IAA Constitution may be downloaded (126 KB) as a PDF.

Article I: Name

The organization described in this constitution shall be named the INTERNATIONAL ALBACORE ASSOCIATION. It is hereinafter referred to as the Association.

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the Association shall be:

  1. To maintain the Albacore sailing sloop as a restricted class sailboat in accordance with the Rules issued by the Association.
  2. To encourage the use of the Albacore dinghy throughout the world.
  3. To encourage and sponsor international competition in the Albacore Class, (hereinafter referred to as the Class).
  4. To maintain liaison with and assist as required, all national albacore associations (hereinafter referred to as National Associations).
  5. To encourage and assist in the formation of new National Associations.
  6. To take any other action that shall seem in the best interest of the Class.

Article III: Membership

  1. All National Associations, adhering to the provisions of this Constitution, are eligible for membership in the Association.
  2. A Member is a National Association representing a minimum of 15 (fifteen) active sailing, voting members in good standing of such National Association.
  3. An Associate Member is a National Association with less than 15 and at least 6 (six) active sailing, voting members in good standing of such National Association. An Associate Member shall have all the privileges of membership except voting but shall have one non-voting representative to the Council.
  4. A Member or Associate Member may only represent members whose permanent domiciles are in the country represented by their National Association unless consent to the contrary is given by the Association.
  5. A country is a geographical area with its own independent, sovereign government or, in the case of a federal state, its sovereign governments.
  6. For the purpose of determining the category of membership of a National Association, a voting member in good standing is a paid up member of a National Association.
  7. Members shall have voting rights as prescribed by Article XV hereof in proportion to their voting membership. For the purpose of defining the size of this membership the Secretary of such Member shall, at the end of the fiscal year for such Member certify to the Secretary of the Association its total number of voting members for such fiscal year. Failure so to certify shall deprive that Member of all voting rights hereunder until it does so certify.

Article IV: Organization and Responsibilities of National Associations and Associate Members

  1. Members and Associate Members are autonomous bodies, responsible for their own internal organization and administration.
  2. Members and Associate Members shall conform to such responsibilities to the Association as are set out in this Constitution.

Article V: Insignia and Class Rules

  1. The Class Insignia shall be as described in the International Rules of the Class.
  2. Sail numbers shall be issued on behalf of the Association, in blocks as required, to Members and Associate Members for use in the countries they represent. They will allocate them to authorized builders. If a builder is exporting a boat he will obtain the sail number from the Members or Associate Member in the country to which the boat is being exported. The Association may delegate the responsibility for the issuance of sail numbers to a Member to act on its behalf in this regard.
  3. If a boat is being exported to a country with too few Albacores for its organizing body to be an Associate Member of this Association, the builder will apply to the Secretary of the Association for a sail number.
  4. The International Rules and any standard sailing instructions published by the Association shall be mandatory in all regattas sponsored by the Association and in other international regattas. National Associations may permit, for their own national competitions changes which do not necessitate changes in the sail plan or in the lines, measured dimensions or shape of the hull.
  5. A World Chief of Specifications shall be appointed by the Council of the Association. This appointment shall be considered by each newly elected Council within one month of taking office. A World Chief of Specifications shall be eligible for re-appointment until he resigns or until the Council appoints a replacement.
  6. The World Chief of Specifications shall be chairman of an International Rules Committee which shall consist of the Chairmen of Specifications Committees of Members (excluding Associate Members). The Committee shall be responsible to and report to the Association. The Chairmen of Specifications Committees of Associate Members may be observes at the International Rules Committee proceedings but may not vote on any proposals for rule changes. The World Chief of Specifications shall keep them informed of any proposed rule changes.
  7. The International Rules Committee shall ensure that all Members and Associate Members adhere to the International Rules.
  8. The International Rules Committee may conduct its business at meetings on occasions where the National Chairmen of Specifications Committees or deputies appointed by National Associations can meet or, by mail.
  9. Proposals for changes to rules shall first be approved by a majority vote of the International Rules Committee. These proposals shall then be ratified by a majority of votes of Members of the Association (not including Associate Members). They shall then be approved at a General Meeting of the National Associations. The Association shall submit any agreed rule changes to the Royal Yachting Association for incorporation into the International Rules of the Class.
  10. Proposed interim changes to the International Rules which have been unanimously approved by the International Rules Committee may be used until the next General or Special Meeting of the Association but not thereafter unless approved by the National Associations, the Association and the Royal Yachting Association.
  11. The World Chief of Specifications or his deputy shall ensure that all boats entered at international or world regattas conform with the International Rules and may direct that all boats so entered be measured.
  12. Pursuant to Article II paragraph 6, the Association may delegate its functions to other Sub Committees, including without limitation a Technical Sub Committee to advise on possible improvements to the hull construction to enable a more cost effective Albacore to be built.

Article VI: Copyright

  1. Prior to the formation of the Association all rights to the Albacore as produced pursuant to the Class Rules were transferred from Fairey Marine Ltd. to the Royal Yachting Association (RYA). These rights shall therefore be recognized as residing with the RYA for the better enforcement of the said rights.

Article VII: Council of the Association

  1. The governing body of the Association shall be known as the Council.
  2. The Council shall consist of Councillors who are voting representatives from each Member elected in accordance with Article X, paragraph 2.3 (hereinafter referred to as Councillors):
    • One non-voting representative from each Associate Member (hereinafter referred to as Delegates).
    • Past President of the Association.
    • The Council shall elect a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer from the Councillors. The President shall be appointed in accordance with Article X 2.1 and shall be an additional appointee to the two Councillors nominated by the respective Member.
    All members of the Council shall be a member in good standing of a National Association.
  3. Support staff, either paid or unpaid, may be appointed to assist any officer of the Association or the Council as a whole with the agreement of the Council. Such staff member shall not normally be appointed for any specific period and each shall normally be nominated by the officer with whom he or she shall work. If attending meetings of the Association such a staff member will not have a vote.

Article VIII: Duties of Officers, Councillors and Delegates

  1. PRESIDENT The President or his delegate (normally the Vice-President) shall act as chairman for all meetings of the Association. With the Secretary, he shall decide on the agenda for these meetings and arrange the date and time for them. He or his delegate shall represent the Association on other occasions where the Association is to be represented in matters relating to the advancement of the Class, joint ventures with other classes or associations and in meeting with any level of government on matters regarding the Class. He shall assist in the promotion of the Class in countries where it is not yet established.
  2. VICE-PRESIDENT The Vice-President shall deputize when required for the President.
  3. SECRETARY The Secretary shall:
    1. Have charge of all books, papers and records of the Association excepting those relating to financial matters;
    2. He shall give notice of meetings, sign all papers and documents required for the purposes of the Association and shall generally perform the duties of a Secretary;
    3. He shall keep all Members, Associate Members, and other interested groups informed of decisions made by the Association;
    4. He shall record and issue minutes of meetings;
    5. Without relinquishing responsibility, he may delegate his duties, at his direction, to an Assistant Secretary appointed under the provision of Article VII (3).
  4. TREASURER The Treasurer shall:
    1. Receive and call for payment of all monies due to the Association and make all payments authorized by the Association;
    2. He shall keep the financial accounts of the Association and prepare a financial statement to accompany the Notice of the Biennial General Meetings;
    3. He shall prepare forecasts of expenditures as required by the Council;
    4. He shall arrange for an annual financial report of the Association's accounts;
    5. Without relinquishing responsibility he may delegate his duties, at his direction, to an Assistant Treasurer appointed under the provision of Article VII (3).
  5. COUNCILLORS AND DELEGATES The Council may appoint Councillors and/or Delegates for special duties connected with the operation of the Association or the enhancement of the Class.
  6. THE PAST PRESIDENT The Past President shall assist and advise the President on the policy and day to day business of the Association.

Article IX: Nominations

  1. The officers of the Association shall, three months before the Biennial General Meeting, appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of:
    • Past President of the Association
    • One member (from a country other than the country of the Past President)
  2. The Secretary shall, three months before the Biennial General Meeting, request of each member and Associate Member to forward to the Nominating Committee at least two months before the Biennial General Meeting the names of their choices for their representatives to the Association Council.
  3. The Nominating Committee shall, nominate a President (in accordance with Article X, 2.1) and a Vice-President (in accordance with Article X, 2.2) and other Councillors and Delegates.
  4. In the event a Member or Associate Member fails to forward names as prescribed in Article IX, 2 the Nominating Committee shall nominate without consultation with the Member or Associate Member.
  5. Members and Associate Members may place additional names in nomination with the Secretary up to 30 days before the Biennial General Meeting.

Article X: Election of Officer, Councillors and Delegates

  1. The President, Vice-President, Councillors and Delegates shall be elected by the retiring Council at the Biennial General Meeting from the nominations as provided for in Article IX. Election will be decided by a majority vote.
  2. Officers, Councillors and Delegates shall be elected in accordance with the following rules:
    1. PRESIDENT The President shall be elected from the Member hosting the World Albacore Championship to be held two years after his election.
    2. VICE-PRESIDENT The Vice-President shall be elected from the Member hosting the World Championship four years after his election.
    3. COUNCILLORS: Councillors shall be elected from each Member. The Vice-President will be one of the Councillors from his National Association. The President will not be one of the two Councillors from his National Association. Members with a certified membership of 50 or more shall appoint two Councillors. Members with certified membership of under 50 but more than 15 shall appoint one Councillor.
    4. PAST PRESIDENT The Past President shall be the immediate Past President of the Association. If for any reason the immediate Past President is not available for the office, the retiring Officers of the Association may appoint the next previous Past President or if he is unable or unwilling to accept the post, any other Past President or Past Vice-President.
    5. SECRETARY The Secretary shall be elected by the new Council from among its Councillors.
    6. TREASURER The Treasurer shall be elected by the new Council from among its Councillors.
    7. DELEGATES One Delegate shall be elected from each Associate Member.

Article XI: Term of Officers, Councillors and Delegates

  1. All Officers, Councillors and Delegates shall be elected for a two-year term of office. With the exception of the President, all Officers, Councillors and Delegates are eligible for re-election to any office provided no Officer, Councillor or Delegate, except the President and the Past President, may serve for more than eight consecutive years regardless of what offices he had held.
  2. The President is not eligible for re-election except that if he is appointed to the office between Biennial General Meetings due to the death, resignation or expulsion of the President, he will be eligible for election for the next full term.
  3. The Past President will hold office for not more than one term except in the event of the President failing to complete his term in office under the circumstances described above in which case the Past President may be appointed to serve in this office for a second term. He may be appointed to serve a further term under the circumstances described in Article X, para 2.4.

Article XII: Resignation, Death or Expulsion of Officers, Councillors and Delegates

  1. If any Officer or Councillor ceases to serve in the Association by reason of resignation, death or expulsion, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment of a member from the same National Association by the Council in collaboration with the National Association concerned.
  2. Any Officer or Councillor of the Association may be removed or expelled by a 2/3 vote of the Council provided the National Associations have been informed of the proposed removal or expulsion at least 30 days before the meeting at which such removal or expulsion is to be voted on.
  3. The President may vote on a motion under paragraph 2 of this Article.
  4. Any Officer, Councillor or Delegate may be removed from the Council by his own National Association as a result of a vote taken at a general Meeting of that National Association.

Article XIII: General Meetings and Special General Meetings

  1. A Biennial General Meeting of the Association shall be held in the host country and at the time of the World Albacore Championships and shall conform with the provisions for the Conduct of General Meetings. The meeting may be attended by all Executives of Members and Associate Members who may join the discussion.
  2. Notice of the Biennial general Meetings shall be sent to the Councillors, Members and Associate Members at least 90 days before the meeting. The Notice shall contain particulars of the business to be conducted, any changes proposed to the Constitution, and Rules and nominations for the Officers, Councillors and Delegates.
  3. Special General Meetings may be called in response to written requests from any Member or Councillor to the Secretary of the Association at least 90 days before the date of the meeting. The request for the meeting must state clearly and fully the reason for it. If a Special General Meeting is called, each National Association shall be prepared to pay the expenses incurred in attending it by Officers, Councillors and Delegates who are members of the National Association. Notice of the meeting shall be sent out not less than 60 days before the date of the meeting.

Article XIV: Conduct of the Business of the Association

  1. The Council: The Council of the Association shall consist of those Officers, Councillors and Delegates listed in Article VII.
    1. The Council shall, in consultation with National Associations, determine the general policies, guidelines and methods of operation of the Association and may in accordance with this Article, initiate amendments or changes to the Constitution and By-law of the Association.
    2. A quorum shall consist of a majority of Officers and Councillors present in person or by proxy.
  2. Mail Vote: As an alternative to the Council taking a policy or guideline decision as provided for in paragraph 1) of this Article, the President and Secretary may obtain a vote by mail, telex, cable, facsimile transmission or telephone from each Officer and Councillor. The material requesting such a vote shall state clearly the nature of the issue to be decided and giving reasonable information on which the Officer or Councillor may base his vote. Any decisions taken in this manner shall be submitted to the next earliest meeting of the Council for ratification.

Article XV: Voting Rights at General and Special General Meetings

  1. Members voting rights at General and Special General Meetings shall be carried and exercised by the Councillors of each Member. A resolution made at a General or Special Meeting shall be approved and passed if a majority of votes are cast in favour of the resolution provided that the majority of votes in favour must include votes cast by Councillors from at least two (2) Members. The number of votes exercisable by the Councillor or Councillors of each Member shall be in accordance with the following:
    Certified Owner - Number of IAA Members Votes
    15 - 50 members 2
    51 - 100 members 4
    101 - 200 members 6
    201 - 325 members 8
    326 - 500 members 10
    501 + 12
  2. In order to amend this Constitution, a motion to amend must be passed by a majority of the votes cast at a General Meeting of the Association.
  3. The Past President shall not be entitled to vote.
  4. The President is only entitled to vote in the event of a tie and shall then cast his vote in favour of the status quo.
  5. If any Officer (except the Past President) or Councillor is unable to attend the General Meeting or any Special General Meeting of the Association, the National Association which he represents will appoint a proxy who shall attend the meeting and have full voting powers. The Past President may be appointed as such a proxy.

Article XVI: Headquarters of the Association

  1. The Headquarters of the Association shall be in a location to be decided by the Council from time to time.

Article XVII: Finances

  1. When required, each National Association shall pay fees to the Association in proportion to their eligibility to caste votes.
  2. Fees shall be as decided by the Council and shall be determined at a Council Meeting of the Association.
  3. The Fiscal year shall be the calendar year.
  4. All Funds of the Association shall be kept in an account to be opened by the Treasurer in a Bank, Trust Company or similar institution.
  5. Cheques may be signed by any one of the Treasurer, the President or the Secretary, for amounts not exceeding C $1,000 and by two of them for amounts over C $1,000.

Article XVIII: Regattas

    1. The Association shall sponsor a World Albacore Championship (the "Championships") once every two years. This regatta shall be held under the authority of the Association but the detailed organization shall rest with the host National Association.
    2. The date of the regatta shall be decided by the Association in consultation with the host National Association.
    3. From 1997 and thereafter, the Championships shall rotate between North America and Europe on a 4 year cycle.
    4. The division of entries between National Associations shall be decided by the Council. Entries from National fleets too small to be classified as Associate Members may be accepted at the discretion of the Council and should be encouraged.
  2. OTHER INTERNATIONAL REGATTAS Regattas between two or more National Associations, e.g. the North American Championship, shall be encouraged.
  3. TEAM RACING International Team racing shall be encouraged and may be organized on a World basis at the time of the World Championship or at another suitable time.
  4. MEASUREMENT OF BOATS All Albacores entered for World or International regattas or team events shall conform with the RYA Specifications and Rules approved by the Association. A certificate of compliance will be required for each boat entered.
  5. RACING RULES AND SAILING INSTRUCTIONS All International regattas shall be sailed under the IYRU rules and if published, IAA standard sailing instructions. Amendments to the rules by the National Association of the host country may be introduced, if approved by the Council.

Article XIX: Authorized Builders

  1. A builder may be licensed to build Albacores by the Member or Associate Member of the country in which he operates subject only to the approval of the RYA (see Article VI). The Member or Associate Member will ensure that the boats he builds are satisfactory and will cause his license to the withdrawn in the event of serious or repeated unsatisfactory work.
  2. Builders operating in countries not represented by a Member or Associate Member will be similarly licensed by the Association.
  3. No sail numbers will be issued for boats built by unlicensed builders and purporting to be Albacores.

Article XX: Proposal for Amendment of the Constitution, Class Rules and Overall Policies

  1. An amendment or change in any of the foregoing may be initiated by a majority of the Association or a Resolution of a Member and shall be in writing.
  2. Any proposed amendment to this Constitution Class Rules and overall policy received by the Secretary at least two full weeks before the Notice for any Meeting is required to be sent, shall be included in such Notice.
  3. Any proposed change or amendment shall be valid and effective only at a Meeting of the Association duly and properly called for that purpose, subject always to the provisions of Article XV.
  4. Any change or amendment which is passed by the Meeting of the Association shall be communicated to all National Associations as soon as practical and the National Associations shall notify their members forthwith.